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Coyotes Youth Hockey Hub Network

2023-2024 Equipment Sizing Reservations

By Knights, 05/05/23, 3:00PM MST




In order to allow for as much distancing as possible, AHU will be holding  Equipment Sizing sessions for players before they take the ice for tryouts in the AZ Ice Gilbert Party Rooms.  Please follow the link provided to sign up for a time to have your player(s) fitted for their Season Equipment.  Sessions are built around each of the age group tryouts.  Space will be limited per session, so please ensure you find a session that works best for you.

The player must arrive in clean clothes and dry equipment to their fitting.  It is recommended players fit before they take the ice for their age group tryout session or on an alternate day.  Players will need Shoulder pads, Hockey pants, and a shin guard.  Goalies should remember their chest protector.

If you do not wish to have your player try on the sizing samples, the sizing charts and and online order form will be made available UPON EMAIL REQUEST and you can size your player at home using a measuring tape.  Any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at email below.

You will be entering your orders into our online system once the sizing is concluded.  Instructions will be given at the sizing session.

Finally, please see our complete list of Do’s and Don’t for fittings as we employ procedures to keep players healthy and safe.  Contact Beth Fitchew at with any questions.